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Writer's pictureEmma Edmondson-Payne

Some of the ways babywearing has and continues to help my parenting.

Updated: Sep 19

As a tool for regulation:

When Edie was little taking my woven wrap along for the quick journey to the doctors when she was due some jabs, I was able to wrap her quickly after, and it made everything after that day much more manageable, I was able to comfort her fairly quickly post injections plus get the calpol in a little easier, and she napped very well too. An even wiser me might have chosen a poppable carry (for quicker wrapping) too!

During those horrible nights (probably teething, but who really knows) when they wake up screaming and nothing will calm them, but the sling is like a nice blanket plus a cuddle all in one, and the only thing that really soothed - saved my sanity at times!

Recently when she was bigger Edie had a bit of a fall in the park and the sling very much helped both her and me calm down.

To free up my hands to multi-task:

Before I could pop Edie down for a few minutes to play happily by herself, or just chat away to her in the carseat while also getting the shopping in, popping her in the sling would make this a much easier task to manage, the contact made her feel safe and secure avoiding stress and upset. And once I got confident with back carrying navigating the stairs was far simpler too!

A sling was a massive help when cooking which always felt particularly tricky when she was smaller, again far easier as I could be a little more adventurous with what I was able to do with her on my back

To help her nap when nothing else would work as easily:

Slings contain sleepydust (they must do) they have helped a very overtired bubba just settle and sleep so many times.

To give me a sense of freedom;

A carrier can travel so many places a buggy will not, plus I really struggle to wheel a buggy at times! My carrier was so helpful in Wales going around a castle recently, we've had lots of adventures 😀

As a tool to keep the conversation flowing:

That closeness initially encouraged me to chat more than I would with Edie in a buggy on walks, while snuggling too ❤️ . First I would simply narrate what was happening, then slowly I would get sounds back, then words starting forming and now at 2 I get full sentences back. I'm convinced her ability to talk so well is because of all the closeness.

What's better than being able to reach in for kisses all the time too?!!

As a tool for bonding & more:

The benefits I'd read up on carrying your baby made me determined to babywear - any Mum will tell you, in arms children quickly feel pretty heavy, so having a tool to make that job easier was a no-brainer!

Yes, dependence helps build the foundation for independence.

My 'velcro' baby has recently done so so well with her settling days at nursery. I couldn't be prouder. And I'm sure that's because she is so secure in her attachment with me, which has in turn given her the trust to help her grow special bonds with other key people in her life (Dad, Grandparents, Nursery staff).

As a tool to continue learning and help support other Mummas on their babywearing journey 😀

And that's only some of the examples!!

How has babywearing helped you?

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